October 10 RxAdvocate Fall 2018 — Newsletter
What’s New?
In this edition of the quarterly newsletter you will learn more about RxConnection. Who we are, our approaches and values, and what products we have to offer.
- Who is RxConnection
- Our Approach and Values
- Meet Some of Our Key Players
- Product Highlight: Direct Connect
- Clinical Corner
RxConnection provides a full spectrum of pharmacy benefit consulting services including RFP procurement, ongoing clinical and financial risk management, auditing, diagnostics, and contract evaluations. Not only are we built on strong analytic principles, but RxConnection focuses on the clinical aspect of your benefit and has the expertise to help clients solve complex issues, including those involving specialty drugs. All clinical recommendations and analysis are led by pharmacists with 36 years of experience in diverse areas such as pharmacy benefits, outpatient pharmacies, and healthcare systems.
and Values
RxConnection’s proactive approach to manage your prescription benefits will stay ahead of any escalating cost trends. We offer an independent and unbiased view on prescription benefit managers to ensure that our clients receive an optimal PBM partnership based on flexibility, capability and accountability. Our ongoing risk management services are driven by clinical, financial and service aspects to manage a prescription benefit on all fronts. We have a passion for educating our clients to make informed choices and have a team of experts readily available for ongoing decision support. Here are some of our core values that are fully aligned with our approach:
- Transparency
- Unbiased
- Accountable
- Engaged
- Dedicated
- Clients under 2000 lives
- Clients considering a less expensive alternative to a costly full RFP process
- Clients looking to streamline the lengthy timeline for a typical RFP process
- Clients with goals to achieve enhanced savings through diagnostics on waste and specialty spend
- Full RxConnection team support throughout the entire process
- Group pricing with vendors fully vetted to align with our contract terms
- Complete contract review including a 3 year financial forecast of each PBM option
In the Next RxAdvocate
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