RxAdvocate October, 2021 — Newsletter

RxAdvocate October, 2021 — Newsletter

This Month:

  • Breast Cancer Awareness – Men & Women
  • Employer COVID-19 Vaccine Surcharges
  • First Oral Antiviral COVID-19 Treatment Could Be Authorized
  • RxConnection Organizational Announcements

Breast Cancer Awareness – Men & Women

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Although most attention is focused on the health, wellness, and prevention in women, men also are diagnosed with breast cancer. About 2,650 men are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer this year and the lifetime risk of being diagnosed is about 1 in 833. These statistics are significantly lower than women’s however equally as important to discuss and learn – symptoms, prevention, early detection. Stanley Plotkin, the developer of the rubella vaccine met with the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and urged the committee to stop discussing Covid vaccine boosters. He explained that it is well known in immunology that when inactivated or non-replicating vaccines are utilized multiple doses are needed. A priming dose (or doses) is typically followed by an additional dose four to six months later to strengthen the immune response. Many vaccines given in childhood are administered in a three-dose series, with a gap of several months between the second and third shots. “Calling the third dose a booster is immunologically incorrect and also gives the wrong impression that somehow the vaccines failed when they could not really have been expected to give a long-lasting immunity from the first doses,” Plotkin said.

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Employer COVID-19 Vaccine Surcharges

With employers now considering implementing a vaccine mandate to encourage employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19, there has been much discussion surrounding the legality of implementing of a “vaccine surcharge” on monthly health insurance premiums for those employees who remain unvaccinated. The Department of Labor (DOL), Health and Human Services (HHS), and the Treasury (collectively, the Departments) issued FAQ guidance to confirm that employers can incentivize employees by offering discounts on monthly insurance premiums for those who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 or impose insurance “surcharges” for those who choose not to be vaccinated (for reasons other than due to a medical condition.) Click here to read more.

First Oral Antiviral COVID-19 Treatment Count Be Authorized

On October 11, 2021 Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics announced the submission of an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for molnupiravir, an investigational oral antiviral medicine, for the treatment of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 in adults who are at risk for progressing to severe COVID-19 and/or hospitalization. In several preclinical models of SARS-CoV-2, the causautive agent of COVID-19, molnupiravir was also shown to be active for prophylaxis and prevention of transmission. For more information, click here.

RxConnection Organizational Announcements

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Orlando Neal — Principal